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Introducing the DfE Plain Language standard 

In digital, data, and technology in DfE, we’ve published a Plain Language standard.  The Plain Language standard ensures that users can:  The standard incorporates our ways of working and best practise for user-centred design in government. It should not create …

Making use of the Department for Education accessibility experience lab in Sheffield 

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Accessibility, culture, design, User-centred design

“White male, 43 years old” said the AI voice as I had a camera pointed at me. In this case AI hasn’t quite got it right yet. But to give you a clue, let’s just say I was very happy …

Making the 'Apply for teacher training' service accessible from start

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Accessibility, digital inclusion, Service design, user research
Point 5 of the service standard on GOV.Uk website. Make sure everyone can use the service

Application forms and personal statements are not always the easiest things to do online. Here we explain how users' different accessibility needs have opened up this popular application service to a much wider audience.