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Service design

Early years qualification checking service: Protecting a public service

Robert Gammon is the Technical Architect on the Early years qualification checking service, currently in the private beta stage of development. Protecting a public service: how and why  When developing a new digital public service, you might wonder why it …

Mastering design iterations: The power of documentation

Have you ever struggled to remember the context behind a particular design iteration? In the fast-paced world of UX design, decisions are made quickly and iterated even faster. But, as the designs evolve, it’s easy to lose track of the …

Better Together: Co-Designing with Local Authorities

Our family hubs digital project is complex - we knew we would need sustained involvement.  The DfE’s family hubs digital team are developing services to help families and the local authority professionals who work with them. As local authorities open …

Desk Research in Discovery

Screenshot of a Google Search

Desk research can help you find your bearings at the start of a project. Finding information about your users’ habits and priorities will give you a good basis to work from when user research begins. In some cases, you may …

Overcoming different ways of working to improve a public service

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: multidisciplinary teams, Service design, user research
Illustration showing ‘Previous flow’ and ‘New flow’. The previous flow starts with a screen titled ‘Requesting a reference’, then ‘Check your answers before sending your request’ then there’s an alarm clock with the title ‘Wait for references’ followed by a screen titled ‘Which 2 references do you want to include in the application?’ followed finally by ‘Send application’. In the new flow, the first screen is titled ‘References to be requested if you accept an offer’ followed by sending the application, then a step titled ‘Receive offer’ and then a screen titled ‘Confirm your reference details and accept your offer’ followed by an alarm clock with the title ‘Wait for references

People who apply for teaching training have found that getting 2 references before submitting an application, can be a real barrier. Here, Frankie Roberto and Myles Jarvis go into more detail about how data, research and working more closely with policy colleagues has brought about a significant change.

Partnering with local authorities to design family hubs

Two babies playing with different kinds of toys, sitting on a matt

Claire Folan talks about the value of teaming up with subject matter experts from local authorities to design an important service for families. Differences in working culture were soon overcome and a rich multidisciplinary team was formed.