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Early years qualification checking service: Protecting a public service

Robert Gammon is the Technical Architect on the Early years qualification checking service, currently in the private beta stage of development. Protecting a public service: how and why  When developing a new digital public service, you might wonder why it …

Making use of the Department for Education accessibility experience lab in Sheffield 

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Accessibility, culture, design, User-centred design

“White male, 43 years old” said the AI voice as I had a camera pointed at me. In this case AI hasn’t quite got it right yet. But to give you a clue, let’s just say I was very happy …

Better Together: Co-Designing with Local Authorities

Our family hubs digital project is complex - we knew we would need sustained involvement.  The DfE’s family hubs digital team are developing services to help families and the local authority professionals who work with them. As local authorities open …

Work experience in the Department for Education

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Careers, culture, design
Group of four teenagers gathered around a conference table with laptops and office paraphernalia

The time is coming for myself and others to discover where our futures can take us, which can be an extremely overwhelming feeling! The pressure to have a clear career plan at such an early age is something I found difficult throughout secondary school. However, with help from the Department for Education, these decisions were less daunting than I thought.

What I learnt leading empowered teams at scale in Teacher Services

Half a dozen people gathered around a roadmap poster discussing and reviewing something

Teacher Services is one of DfE’s largest digital portfolios. We have long-lived service teams that are empowered to decide how to achieve their objectives. We’ve grown quickly and have been changing how we work together as we scale. We’re moving from building great services as individual teams, to making decisions about the journey for teachers across their careers.